My involvement in classikON over the last year has provided me more than just discovering artists and enjoying music. For me, there is joy in taking a pause from the busy-ness of the working week to spend time with friends doing things that you love. Developing friendships with fellow music appreciators is just as valuable as the music and experience of live performance!
It’s 6:30pm on a Tuesday in Sydney’s CBD. I meet up with my friend Sophie off Facebook/SMS/email for a speedy chin-wag, cocktail and Chinese eats in the groovy laneway under the birdcages. We duck around the corner to the beautiful City Recital Hall at Angel Place as the bell rings and find our seats for Selby and Friends’ ‘Blossom and Grow’.
For both of us, Selby and Friends is new. I did not know anything about Kathryn Selby or her friends, and I did no research other than to know where to be and at what time. My preference when in discovery mode is to experience the performance and take whatever comes from that.
I share Sophie’s views about the program being well crafted. I would say it was an intelligent and sensitively designed program. Lesser-known music from well-known composers and a variety of styles, from genteel and sedate to angry and passionate, which made for a richer listening experience.
Kathryn Selby introduces the program for the evening and hints at a concert which really does blossom and grow before your eyes! The program starts with three performers on stage for the Mozart, increasing to four for the Faure, then five performing the Dvorak.
The music… ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh
It was just beautiful. Soaring, mellow… I gush… it was just divine.
Sophie said:
“My favourite piece of the three was the Dvorak. The group made it sound so alive, and so full of passion. It was rich and gutsy and poignant. At one point I found myself thinking that Dvorak is able to make strings sound like tears, and to make tears sound beautiful.”
The artists… ahhhhhhhhhhh
Gained was an appreciation of the admiration and respect each had for the others and the music during the ‘meet the band’ Q&A at the commencement of the second set. It was engaging to hear their voices (and accents). Kathryn also commented that being told a little context about the piece by Elizabeth Layton really did enhance the experience for the performers and the audience.
Read more about these magnificent artists, who seem like truly lovely people.
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- Elizabeth Layton – Violin
- Tobias Breider – Viola
- Clancy Newman – Cello
- Kathryn Selby – Piano
- S&F Development Artist, Grace Clifford – Violin
I’m sure the other artists would not mind if I said that the most delicate surprise of the evening was S&F Development Artist, 14yr old Grace Clifford. She took her place for the Dvorak, alongside her much older, experienced colleagues like an equal. She is already a professional, receiving praise from her colleagues for fitting in beautifully and handling herself with grace and poise.
Well done Grace. You so deserve your place. It is hard to believe that she is only 14. At the function after the concert, face-to-face you see how young she is – it’s quite a shock. She is remarkable! Keep an eye out for Grace Clifford as her career blossoms and grows!
Now I know a little more about Kathryn Selby and her artistry – I will be following. A truly wonderful evening with Selby and Friends.
Discover Selby and Friends –
Join us at their next concert on April 11 in the classikON reserve we’ve set up. Find out more. |